Struct mpi::datatype::Partition [] [src]

pub struct Partition<'b, B: 'b + ?Sized, C, D> { /* fields omitted */ }

Adds a partitioning to an existing Buffer so that it becomes Partitioned


impl<'b, B: ?Sized, C, D> Partition<'b, B, C, D> where
    B: 'b + Buffer,
    C: Borrow<[Count]>,
    D: Borrow<[Count]>, 


Partition buf using counts and displs

Trait Implementations

impl<'b, B: ?Sized, C, D> AsDatatype for Partition<'b, B, C, D> where
    B: 'b + AsDatatype

The type of the associated MPI datatype (e.g. SystemDatatype or UserDatatype)


The associated MPI datatype

impl<'b, B: ?Sized, C, D> Pointer for Partition<'b, B, C, D> where
    B: 'b + Pointer


A pointer to the starting address in memory

impl<'b, B: ?Sized, C, D> Partitioned for Partition<'b, B, C, D> where
    B: 'b,
    C: Borrow<[Count]>,
    D: Borrow<[Count]>, 


The count of elements in each partition.


The displacement from the start of the buffer for each partition.


A pointer to counts()


A pointer to displs()

impl<'b, B: ?Sized, C, D> PartitionedBuffer for Partition<'b, B, C, D> where
    B: 'b + Pointer + AsDatatype,
    C: Borrow<[Count]>,
    D: Borrow<[Count]>, 