Struct mpi::topology::AnyProcess [] [src]

pub struct AnyProcess<'a, C>(_)
    C: 'a + Communicator

Identifies an arbitrary process that is a member of a certain communicator, e.g. for use as a Source in point to point communication.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, C> Source for AnyProcess<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator


Rank that identifies the source


Probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Receive a message containing a single instance of type Msg. Read more


Receive a message containing a single instance of type Msg. Read more


Receive a message into a Buffer. Read more


Receive a message into a Buffer. Read more


Receive a message containing multiple instances of type Msg into a Vec. Read more


Receive a message containing multiple instances of type Msg into a Vec. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) receive operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) receive operation. Read more


Initiate a non-blocking receive operation for messages matching tag tag. Read more


Initiate a non-blocking receive operation. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more

impl<'a, C> AsCommunicator for AnyProcess<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator

The type of the associated communicator


Returns the associated communicator.