Struct mpi::topology::Process [] [src]

pub struct Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator
{ /* fields omitted */ }

Identifies a process by its Rank within a certain communicator.


impl<'a, C> Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator


The process rank

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, C: 'a + Communicator> Root for Process<'a, C>


Rank of the root process


Broadcast of the contents of a buffer Read more


Gather contents of buffers on Root. Read more


Gather contents of buffers on Root. Read more


Gather contents of buffers on Root. Read more


Gather contents of buffers on Root. Read more


Scatter contents of a buffer on the root process to all processes. Read more


Scatter contents of a buffer on the root process to all processes. Read more


Scatter contents of a buffer on the root process to all processes. Read more


Scatter contents of a buffer on the root process to all processes. Read more


Performs a global reduction under the operation op of the input data in sendbuf and stores the result on the Root process. Read more


Performs a global reduction under the operation op of the input data in sendbuf and stores the result on the Root process. Read more


Initiate broadcast of a value from the Root process to all other processes. Read more


Initiate non-blocking gather of the contents of all sendbufs on Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking gather of the contents of all sendbufs on Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking gather of the contents of all sendbufs on Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking gather of the contents of all sendbufs on Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking scatter of the contents of sendbuf from Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking scatter of the contents of sendbuf from Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking scatter of the contents of sendbuf from Root &self. Read more


Initiate non-blocking scatter of the contents of sendbuf from Root &self. Read more


Initiates a non-blacking global reduction under the operation op of the input data in sendbuf and stores the result on the Root process. Read more


Initiates a non-blocking global reduction under the operation op of the input data in sendbuf and stores the result on the Root process. Read more

impl<'a, C> Source for Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator


Rank that identifies the source


Probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Receive a message containing a single instance of type Msg. Read more


Receive a message containing a single instance of type Msg. Read more


Receive a message into a Buffer. Read more


Receive a message into a Buffer. Read more


Receive a message containing multiple instances of type Msg into a Vec. Read more


Receive a message containing multiple instances of type Msg into a Vec. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) receive operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) receive operation. Read more


Initiate a non-blocking receive operation for messages matching tag tag. Read more


Initiate a non-blocking receive operation. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more


Asynchronously probe a source for incoming messages with guaranteed reception. Read more

impl<'a, C> Destination for Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator


Rank that identifies the destination


Blocking standard mode send operation Read more


Blocking standard mode send operation Read more


Blocking buffered mode send operation Read more


Blocking buffered mode send operation Read more


Blocking synchronous mode send operation Read more


Blocking synchronous mode send operation Read more


Blocking ready mode send operation Read more


Blocking ready mode send operation Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) standard mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) standard mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) buffered mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) buffered mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) synchronous mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) synchronous mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) ready mode send operation. Read more


Initiate an immediate (non-blocking) ready mode send operation. Read more

impl<'a, C: Copy> Copy for Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator

impl<'a, C: Clone> Clone for Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<'a, C> AsCommunicator for Process<'a, C> where
    C: 'a + Communicator

The type of the associated communicator


Returns the associated communicator.